Relation b/w JRE & JDK & JVM


Relation b/w JRE & JDK & JVM


JRE stands for Java Runtime Environment which is the implementation of JVM ie. Java Virtual Machine. Specifications that are defined in JVM are implemented and designs correspond to the environment for the code.JRE generally contains the binary and other classes to execute the program like JVM it physical exists.


JVM is the abbreviation for Java Virtual Machine which is generally a specification that provides a runtime environment in which java bytecode can be executed. When you compile an error-free code in Java the compiler converts the program into platform-independent code Known as the bytecode. Thereafter, JVM (Java Virtual Machine) interprets this bytecode and convert it into the machine code that can be run on that machine. Also, JVM performs some mentioned tasks below i.e.
Loads Code.
Verifies code.
Executes code.
Provide a Run-Time Environment.


JDK is the abbreviation for Java Development Kit.Java Development Kit includes all the binary files, executable files and debug.JDK is Platform-independent i.e. it installed separately for every operating system such as Windows, Mac, Linux.
JDK also comprises of both JRE and JVM. i.e. fully responsible for code execution.

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