Digital Signal And Logic Gates


Computers process the given data, store, and communicate information in binary form (i.e 1s and 0s) that hold a particular meaning in computer language, as they are digital in nature. A Bit i.e. a binary digit is either a 1 or 0. In a computer network, there is the usage of multiple bits.
Computer systems communicate in the combination of 1’s and 0’s through variations in electrical voltage. 
Digital signal, in an electrical network is a signal which represents one of two discrete and well-defined states either 1 or 0 as shown in fig. below.


A digital circuit is defined as the one in which we combine different logic gates to build any desired logical operation. These circuits are termed as logic circuits, as they carry out a logical operation.
Logic circuits are described using logical expressions and logic symbols. Also we have a truth table that demonstrates what the circuit’s output will be for all combination of inputs.
Combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits are the basic types of digital circuits used in many digital electronic devices like computers, cellphones etc.


Logic gates are the most important part of any digital circuit. A Logic Gate is said to be the basic building block of digital circuits. Logic gates perform a particular logic function by operating on combination of binary inputs and produce one output.


 We have different types of logic gates that are used in digital circuits. Mainly there are seven types of logic gates that we will be discussing below.

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